Small Indiscretions: Stories of Travel in Asia


ISBN: 978-0-9808462-4-9 Format: Trade Paperback Rights: All rights: Transit Lounge Release / Publication Date: 01 /08 /2011


A traveller becomes a Monroe impersonator in the casinos of Macau. An obsessive son of Australians living in Jakarta confronts his strange rituals. A young woman is trapped in the boredom of her father’s ministry in exotic Borneo. A daughter defies her mother and travels to Bali. Castagna’s twenty stories range across countries: including Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and China, deftly exploring the relationships of parents and children, lovers and enemies, the transient and the resident. In the spirit of Rattawatt Lapacharoensap’s Sightseeing, Castagna’s fiction powerfully captures the landscapes and cultures of Asia and the intriguing interactions of Westerners with it.

Praise for Felicity Castagna’s stories
‘… a haunting lyrical story about a doomed love affair between two young Australians drifting through Indonesia for very different reasons. Next takes us inside the damaged psychological landscape of two young lovers when leaving is the only thing you can do.’
Frank Moorhouse and Sally Breen, Josephine Ulrick Literature Prize

‘Falling in Macau by Felicity Castagna takes death as its sub-text. Castagna skilfully weaves the motif of ‘falling’ into the events of an evening in a sleazy night-club in Macau. The alienation of an Australian entertainer named Maggie is sensitively and convincingly portrayed so that the twist at the end, though shocking, slots in to become the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle.’
Julie Kearney, M/C Reviews

‘In a handful of pages, Castagna evokes a troubled individual, a complex set of family relations, a cultural milieu, and a terrible tragedy … a talent to watch.’
James Halford M/C Reviews