This is the sequel to Robert Power’s novel In Search of the Blue Tiger, whose child hero, Oscar Flowers, has become a seagoing pilgrim after his part in the violent death of the fishmonger, whose murderous twin daughters Carp and Perch are now languishing in jail for their crime. But they are about to be sprung by Angelica, the spoilt daughter of the Tidetown mayor. Mayhem ensues as various other characters and complications come and go, culminating in the arrival of the plague. What with its coastal setting and its small community, there’s a strong sense of place in this book, but it has no real-world correspondence either in setting or in time. We could be in any country, in any year. Various words and names suggest people and places from all over the world, and the story reads like a fairy tale. Realism this is not.
Kerryn Goldsworthy, The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Jan 14,2016
As always with Robert Power’s works, the journey is incredible, the shift in time, place and moment is confrontational and breaks the forces of life down into simple components of good, bad, pure, evil, portraying the ebb and flow of life in a whimsical and yet dark manner.
Blue Wolf Reviews, February 2016
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